The Unstoppable Growth Participant Package contains everything you need to become Unstoppable in one box:
It’s easier to get distracted today more than ever before. It’s difficult to focus on God’s plan for our lives. Unstoppable Growth was designed to help you clarify God’s specific purpose for you.
Unstoppable Growth Book
This book provides the tools, maps and exercises to overcome adversity, build on your strengths, and grow your unique potential: Learn how to own your story. Draw your Kairos Life Map. Build your 5 Capitals. Step into your 5 Roles. Create your why statement. Design your vision board.
Unstoppable Growth Workbook
Go deeper by filling in the blanks as you watch the weekly video messages. You also have extra space to take group notes and write down the specific small group question. Make your Unstoppable Growth more practical and applicable as you take note of how each topic relates to you and your relationships.